Nice to meet you ☺️
I’m Sergey Golovashkin
I work as a User Interface & User Experience designer creating thoughtful experiences for web and mobile applications.
Other than design, I love creating things in real life.
- Achievements & business points
- Get to know more about me & my personality
- Mentality & behaviour data
- Master’s Degree in Computer Science
- Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science
- Applied arts after-school education
- Prometheus (Information Security)
- SoloLearn (JS, PHP, SQL, HTML, CSS)
- Coursera
- HNPU – #1 In Dev contest 2015 (Delphi)
- HNPU – Best software development project 2016
- Q1 2018 Upwork Top Rated UI/UX
Some career highlights
- Worked with top players like: GYMGUYZ (300+ franchises business), Airvel (private air charter), Quicktutor (online tutoring sessions), Bank Grant (online banking)
- Been mentoring 10+ designers and frontend developers
- T-shaped Persona: Experienced in Management, Marketing, Full cycle of product/service development, Q&A, Illustrations, 3D (sketchup), IoT/arduino & many more
- Outsourcing for USA & Europe market since 2016
- In love with art & design since 2007
Businesses that I’ve helped
- Priorityrocket
- Skyhook
- Sayword
- Airvel
- C-Alert
- Smash Gyms Hayward
- Flight CRM / Flight ninja
- Uptime
- yalloh
- NowYou
- PaOnCallGroup
- Pa-Doc
- Np-Doc
- Polls app
- MyWorkout
- BoxBae
- Bank Grant
- Funnode
- Legem
- Foxyblu
- Speechly voice image editor
- AFrame
- panda-roc
- ukrzerkalo
- goldenactionrewards
- eComm Ads
- Letsrevel
- khohealth
- City Solutions
- Atlantic LLC
Key analytics

So far I’ve visited 🤘
Italy · Rome, Sardinia island – 2019
Netherlands · Eindhoven, Amsterdam – 2019
Poland · Wroclaw, Krakow – 2019
Greece · Athens, Ios Island – 2018
Germany · Berlin – 2018
The USA · Florida, Atlanta – 2015
Events & life highlights

Not sure if I continue posting about personal life over here, but I’ll be happy to see you on the following social networks
Personality and other things that describe me
I love and adore:
Personalities and soul
- Openness and sincerity
- Honesty
- People and animals
- Nature
- Independence
- Orderliness
- Perfectionism
- Responsibility
- Purposefulness
- Ambitions
- Liberation from codependency – Iain Oswald
- The art of love – Erich Fromm
- Shantaram / Shadow of the Mountain – Gregory David Roberts
Hobbies & activities
- Design
- Art & drawing
- Architecture & 3D modelling
- Smart Home Technologies (Apple’s HomeKit)
- Servers, arduino and raspberry pi
- Plants
- Shows & movies: https://ua.myshows.me/apocalypse
I hate
- Manipulations
- When people screw themselves up and don’t speak directly
- Unkept promises
- Postponing anything

A tad of psychology & tests results 👽
Assertive Campaigner

Enneagram Type Eight

As for 2020 — a big surprise! My personality type turned out to be an Assertive Campaigner. I’ve passed this test in 2008, 2011, 2014 and 2015, and it was always “strategist.
My profile URL: https://www.16personalities.com/profiles/1472059107b1a
Enneagram Personality type
Enneagram Type Eight
The Powerful, Dominating Type:
Self-Confident, Decisive, Willful, and Confrontational
Type Eight in Brief
Eights are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Protective, resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, but can also be ego-centric and domineering. Eights feel they must control their environment, especially people, sometimes becoming confrontational and intimidating. Eights typically have problems with their tempers and with allowing themselves to be vulnerable. At their Best: self- mastering, they use their strength to improve others’ lives, becoming heroic, magnanimous, and inspiring.
- Basic Fear: Of being harmed or controlled by others
- Basic Desire: To protect themselves (to be in control of their own life
and destiny) - Enneagram Eight with a Seven-Wing: “The Maverick”
- Enneagram Eight with a Nine-Wing: “The Bear”
Key Motivations: Want to be self-reliant, to prove their strength and resist weakness, to be important in their world, to dominate the environment, and to stay in control of their situation.

The Meaning of the Arrows (in brief)
When moving in their Direction of Disintegration (stress), self-confident Eights suddenly become secretive and fearful at Five. However, when moving in their Direction of Integration (growth), lustful, controlling Eights become more open-hearted and caring, like healthy Twos.

Thank you! ✌️
That’s it! I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about me and have some useful insights.
Oh, and if you have a free minute,I would LOVE & appreciate any criticism / feedback on your experience with the website, content or me directly. You can use any of the available contact forms or any other option that is more suitable for you.